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Welcome to the Eagle and Child, a forum created by chaplains and theologians for chaplains and theologians.  And while the creators of this forum are chaplains endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, their desire is for this Forum to be as ecumenical in nature as possible.  We welcome Chaplains, Theologians and any who may share a passion and love of respectful, interfaith, ecumenical theology to contribute to and actively participate in this forum space.  Our aim is simple: “to uplift, inspire and assist people from every faith background to gain appreciation for and deep respect of one another’s beliefs through the concepts and constructs expressed and explained herein and the friendships and true camaraderie that we hope such shared dialogue with foster and create.”  


Just as C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and their friends spent time developing their ideas and friendships through such regular colloquial dialogue at the actual “Eagle and Child Tavern” in Oxford, England, we hope this forum will prove to become a modern equivalent space for creative and friendly discussions regarding theology, spirituality, ministry, and shared symbolism that is needed today more than ever. 


On behalf of the creators and maintainers of this forum, we welcome any and all of you who come here with all the warmth and respect in the world and hope you will find solace, inspiration and friendship from the posts and papers published here.  We encourage you to, please, actively participate, comment, and discuss the submissions published on the forum in a manner conducive to our aim and invite all of your friends, colleagues and associates to spend time with us here as well.  Help us to create a deeper respect for one another, the world’s great faiths and our shared spiritual concepts.  Welcome to the “Eagle and Child” where there is always an available seat for new friends and colleagues and plenty of warm, nourishing food for the soul.

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